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Hello and welcome!
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I’m Mir, a Toronto-based yoga and meditation teacher, breathwork facilitator, somatic and vipassana practitioner and business owner.

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I created Yin with Mir to share the life-changing benefits of yin yoga and meditation with busy people who might not have the time or energy to practice self-care outside of work. The stretches, meditation and breathwork techniques that I share in all of my classes are supportive of mental, physical and emotional health. And the best part is – once learned you can practice them on your own almost anywhere.


With 5 years of experience working in the corporate world and over 15 years practicing yoga, I have adapted my yin yoga practice for an office environment. I think some people might think “office yoga is not real yoga,” but in my opinion, it’s the *most* yoga. The whole point of a yoga practice on the mat is to live yoga off the mat, and that’s exactly what we work towards. I create a space for you to connect with yourself in the middle of the workday, notice your mind and body, practice regulated breathing and release stress and tension so you can return to work with more clarity, ease and presence. 

Thank you for being here.

I'm always so excited to go into your offices and be a part of your workday. Thank you for being here. If you think I would be a good fit for your company or the direction you’d like to go in, I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me with any inquiries.

A timeline of my journey:

• 2016: Graduated from Queen’s University with an Honours Bachelor of Environmental Science.

• 2018: Graduated from University of Guelph with my Masters of Science in Planning.

• 2017-2021: Worked as an Urban Planner (City of Mississauga, Dillon Consulting, City of Toronto).

• 2020: Completed my 280-hour Yoga Teacher Training.

• 2021: Completed my 100-hour Meditation Teacher Training. 

• 2022 - Present: Founder & Corporate Yoga Teacher at Yin with Mir.

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