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Take a breather.

Bring self-care to the top of the to-do list.

Stress to excess can be exhausting and lead to burnout. Put self-care on the agenda with a corporate yoga session.


  • Offered in-person in Toronto and the GTA or Online

  • On a one-time or recurring basis.

  • Suitable for all levels, ages, abilities.

Each Corporate Yoga Session includes:


  • Tailored movement, meditation, breathwork and mindfulness prompts that are relevant to your work environment.

  • Marketing materials (poster, email, handout) to promote attendance and encourage participation. 

  • One 30- or 45-minute session or two 15-minute sessions within an hour. Time for discussion.

  • A brief survey following the first session to better understand employee needs and wellness preferences.


Contact for pricing, discounts apply for first-time and recurring bookings.


Option to Expand the Scope of Services:

Yoga for a Special Event.

A Yoga class and Meditation tailored towards the theme of the day or holiday. Perfect for Training days, Onboarding, International Women’s Day or Summer Fridays. Options to include a more formal lunch and learn on a wellness topic of your choice, local cold-pressed juices or bundle with workplace wellness accessories.

Yoga as Employee Appreciation.

Give the gift of self-care to an employee or team with a private yoga class. Potential uses: celebrate a holiday or milestone, recognize efforts, bring people together, show support during a leave (retirement, bereavement, maternity). Offered virtually.

Wellness Programming Services.

From ergonomics to employee engagement and retention to holistic workplace well-being, Mir will work with you to complete a needs assessment and produce a key insights report for your company to implement over an agreed upon budget and timeline.

This year has been very busy for me and I feel like I haven’t taken enough time for myself. Attending Mir’s sessions has brought me steps closer to being at peace and appreciating myself. I look forward to attending more.

Vidya S.

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